Thursday, July 08, 2010

Dog Days of Summer or something like that :)

I never really understood that saying, "the dog days of summer." One of those things on my list of things to look up sometime. :)

Not much really going on here outside of the normal crazy life. It's July & it's HOT! The news media acts like this is news; imagine that - hot weather in July- I am shocked!!! :) I always get a kick out of the weather news here. It's always shocking, whatever our weather is.

I am down to just one grad class now for the rest of the month, and it is a killer! Nice prof, heavy workload and hard-to-wrap-my-mind-around-it kind of work. I have to admit I've wanted to throw my computer more than once this past month (not to mention school year!).

I'm babysitting three kids at the moment. Two kids are coming twice a week for "Mrs. T time" as their mom puts it. :) I do a little school time each day with the kids when they're here and we play. Yesterday Rob & I were playing Nerf gun battle with one of the kids; he had fun shooting us with the foam darts! :)

I have to start working in my new room sometime; I am dreading that, but know that when I get done it will be a nice place to be. I am nervous and excited about that change! Third grade!!! Wow, those will be big kids to me after 16 1/2 years with little ones! I'll post photos of my new room once I get it unpacked and organized. Right now it's an absolute WRECK of boxes and stuff everywhere. I am still doing lots of research and looking at photos of other 3rd grade rooms to see how other people arrange their room. I'm thinking about trying a kind of U shape for my student's desks. We'll see how it goes.

Okay, I better get going on some homework time until Kid #1 arrives. :) Busy day today- I will have them all three for a short time and will be babysitting until 8 PM and then back to the books I go.

Have a great day!


  1. That is so great of you to care for those kiddos! Blessings on your studies - one day at a time :)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Yes, our weather media are full of "shocking" as well. Hee hee. It's nasty, though, that's for sure.

    Hooray for only one class and for time spent with kiddos.

    Happy weekend! :o)
