Tuesday, August 17, 2010

School is coming!

School is coming, school is coming, school is coming. :)

I would so like to be home this week- these are my last days of "freedom" for a long time, and I am spending them in my classroom. I hate that I have to do this, but I have to get the room finished before Open House. I am not really happy that open house is being held on Friday- not really leaving most of us any other choice but to come in on our "free" time and work.

My kids are so good to me to help me as much as they do!!! The boys spent Monday helping Rob move to his new room at his new/old school, then came over to my school to help move a couple things and ended up staying and hanging out and helping me with a few little things.

Barbara is giving me Tuesdays & Thursdays (her only days not in class) this year and she started today helping me in my room. We did a home visit with one of my kids from last year (what fun!!!), and we went to lunch with the world's BEST guest reader- Melissa Painter! :) We even stopped & got an ice cream cone on our way back to school after lunch. I can't even remember the last ice cream cone I ate- that was fun!

I have a HUGE list to accomplish before Friday afternoon. I know I will be working hard to get it all done, but hopefully my room will look nice and I will feel calm and READY- last year was a nightmare and I was bawling my eyes out 20 minutes before Open House.

I'm so, SO, SOOOOOO thankful for such supportive kids! I don't know what I'd have done without their help; they've moved me the past two summers from the K building to the 1st grade building and now on to the "big kids' building" and helped Rob and worked in my room TONS & TONS!!!!!!!!! I love my kids!

Oh, and before I go, I have to share this- our oldest son, Robert, worked his 1st day of his new job today!!! He worked with a contractor doing some service calls to several houses & apartments, and he is at least working the next two days as well! :) WooHoo!!!! He is keeping his restaurant job (five days a week) still, so he's going to be one tired guy by tomorrow night- working at least 12 hours. I am so proud of that young man!!! And so VERY, VERY thankful to God!!!!

Hope you are all having a great week!

P.S. I am really working hard on my exercise deal. Hope to share some accomplishments in maybe a month or so. :)

1 comment:

  1. It is almost September, amazing!

    Way to get ready for the new year - I know it is going to be an amazing one indeed :)
