Sunday, September 26, 2010

What's that? Is it the light at the end of the tunnel?

I have worked like a crazy woman this weekend! Stayed late at school again Friday night (9:30) for the third weekend in a row. But at least this week, Rob came and kept me company and did his schoolwork while I worked on mine. Worked all day Saturday on grad school, and got slightly caught up. Breathed a major sigh of relief at that! Then today I worked long and hard on school. I am spending all day on Sundays to get lesson plans, learning stations, and everything else I need prepared. I hope this pace stops soon.

I have to work on some card business things this week- HAVE to! And I have to keep busy on grad school since I'm still pretty far behind. Hopefully I can get all the way caught up this week. And then there's bills to pay and October's menu to prepare this week. Going to be another busy week. :)

I am not going to be babysitting regularly for now. I will miss my buddies a lot, but it's probably for the best right now. With all the pressure and demands we are facing at school, it was going to be a problem sooner than later, I am afraid. And, it will help this family out too, so that's wonderful.

So that leaves me just my mom/wife job, teaching, Donors Choose job, and grad school. Yeah, "that's all." :)

Okay, I've got to go pack up two orders & a giveaway package for shipping, and get to bed. 5:45 is going to come early.

Have a great week everyone!!!!

1 comment:

  1. 5:45 always comes too soon! (That is my alarm time also :)

    way to get all that grad school work done! We are still figuring out the weekdays routine with it all, but have a good weekend one down now. So glad :)
