Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunny Sunday

For the first time in a very long time (and I'm so not proud of this, but being totally honest) I was actually wanting to go to church. I don't know why I've been struggling with it so much again lately, but I have. Today I was up and ready to go and happy to be there. The sermon was, well, just for me. It was about Jesus and the disciples on the boat in the storm. Yeah, perfect timing. I didn't get any answers and I doubt God is going to let me out of this one, but it is comforting to know that He knows where I am and that He will help me get through the storm. I just sat there crying and asked Him to let the storm pass as quickly as possible and not let me drown in the waves. And, God, whatever it is that I am needing to learn, please help me to get it and pass this test.

My lesson plans were done last night! :) :) :) For those who don't live with me, you might not know how big this is. Believe me it is BIG! This school year I have been working all day on Sundays to come up with my lesson plans, find and/or create learning materials for the week, and differentiate all my lessons and learning stations for my kids' many needs. Thanks to a killer work session on Friday afternoon/evening with a colleague, and her kindness in sharing without my asking, I was able to tackle that job last night. :) :) :) Hopefully I helped her as much as she helped me. I was able to have grad class yesterday, get groceries, cook a Mexican meatball/veggie soup for supper, and then tackle lesson plans - all on Saturday! :)

So today, I took a thirty minute nap and have been cutting paper and card stock and working on cards. I cooked my favorite pasta salad (Fiesta Pasta Salad) tonight too. :)

For the rest of tonight, I am going to grade this huge stack of papers that has been staring at me and work on these cards I started, and head to bed early if I can. Only eight days until my parents will be headed to NC, and to say I am excited- well that would be the understatement of the century!

Have a great week!

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