Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Words just cannot say...

just how low I am feeling tonight. I am apparently a jerk to my coworkers and had no idea. Here I thought I was trying hard to work alongside them, support and get along with others. Once again I am a problem. The thing that hurts the most is that I really had no idea that I was being such a difficult person, and in fact thought I was being a good teammate. And to hear that they are discussing me behind my back. :( Wow. That just hurts.

I have two students who steal from me constantly, and today one was bragging TO MY FACE about how he steals from me and I can't catch him. I break up fights daily and deal with the drama and I am SICK to death of it all. Today I was told to "f- off" by one kid and another kid told my 19 year old volunteer daughter "f- you." One kid walked around my room shouting at me "You are mean!" and another calling me "You are stupid." All while I was trying to teach. I give up.

I am looking for a job- ANY job that will pay my bills. I was made to be a teacher, and I cannot imagine me being happy doing something else, but I am deeply hurt and frustrated. I used to think I was a nice person, but right now I just want to turn into a turtle, go in my shell and never come out.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Rebekah, I am so sorry! I think you are heroic for all that you put up with...

    I taught first and second grade for a year. One year was all I could handle! I was good at it, but disliked it a lot. Hard work!

    I hope you get some room to breathe...
