Thursday, June 02, 2011

homemade proverb

I'm trying my hand at writing proverbs. :)

He who toots his own horn eventually runs out of air.

Sometimes I wish I were better able to write my thoughts in a paper journal as I can't always post the deepest, most personal or "ugly" thoughts/feelings/experiences here. I just know that I really cannot stand people that have to brag about themselves, try to make themselves look like something to others, puff up their own sense of pride by bragging, or who try to make others feel/look like less compared to their "wonderfulness." It may motivate some, but it only aggravates me and turns on my "defiant" side, and I never even had much of that growing up. Makes me want to do the opposite just to show them, though I do try to hide that side of me. :) If you want to do something, do it. You don't have to tell everyone about it and how wonderful you are because you did this. I see this at work. If you want to mentor a kid, do it. If you want to attend a summer workshop, great! If you want to read lots of articles and study outside of work and improve yourself- good for you. If you want to stay after school and do things for kids or help other staff members on your own- you're a wonderful human being. But what's your motive when you have to tell everyone about it? Makes me suspect you, to be honest.

I just know that for me, there's that Bible verse that talks about not letting your right hand know what your left is doing and that good deeds should be "hidden." It smacks to me of being like the Pharisees.

I have this same problem when people post such spiritual things on their FB status too, and I know that's wrong of me. I know I'm judging, and I shouldn't. Probably every single one of them is a better Christ-follower than I am. Oh, the church-people issues I've got! And I do try to work on them, I really do!

Well, I'm off. Report cards & PEP's are due tomorrow. It's after 11 PM, and I still have bills to pay tonight. This weekend, I have to finish some things for my Momma who is working on Matthew's graduation book (I'll have to share more about that soon), and get ready for our BIG week next week! I'm just a WEEEEEEEEE BIT EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you tell? :) hahaha

Beka :)

1 comment:

  1. Brien and I often say the same things about those that are constantly reciting Bible versus and LOUDLY proclaiming just how Christian they are. We have actually used that same "Pharisee" analogy, like they believe they are more Christian or a "better Christian" than me because of it. Um, no. Gr.

    And, yes, it's judging, and yes, I remind myself of that, but sometimes they are so in your face with it, but then, the next thing they do shows how unlike Christ they are. It's frustrating.

    Hope you managed to get it all done!

    Hang in there--it's almost over!

