Sunday, August 21, 2011

School supplies

I'm going to be a beggar here. Sorry. If you don't want to read, please just come back another day. I promise I won't do it too much.

We were told on Friday that there would be very limited to no funds for instructional supplies this year. One ink cartridge for our printer, limits on paper, no money for field trips....

So as I sit here tonight trying to make my school supply list, I am stuck. Many (probably most) of our families at school can't afford much for supplies. Every year, I end up supplying a majority of what my room uses- extra glue, crayons, kleenex, soap & sanitizer, pencils, toilet paper even... I don't mind; it's what Rob & I do. We buy what our kids need to help them learn and don't even think about it.

But this year, it's August 21 & I've been overdrawn for at least two or three days. I have $100 cash to get us groceries and gas for the rest of the month. I can't buy anything for school right now.

And I am NOT the only teacher who is feeling the pinch after several years in a row of paycuts or pay freezes. So if you're a friend or family from home or just a stranger who visits here, and ONLY if you felt so led, I'm asking you to consider helping a group of hard working teachers at a school I know so very well. If you know of ANYONE who might help, would you please pass this info on? If your employer is looking for something good to do, could you share this info?

All of us could use, and would be SO grateful for extra supplies (if you're shopping some of these great back to school sales):
  • looseleaf paper
  • single subject spiral notebooks
  • copier paper
  • pencils
  • erasers
  • glue sticks, glue sticks, glue sticks
  • hand sanitizer or soap
  • crayons, colored pencils, or markers
  • pocket folders
  • page protectors
  • Sharpies
  • whiteboard markers and/or cleaner
  • staples
  • tape refills
Someone on Facebook also suggested gift cards to Walmart, Staples, or Office Max. That would be great too!

If anyone wants to help, please leave me contact info & I can send you my address at school. I will share anything we can get with my fellow teachers, or if someone has a particular grade they want it to go to, I will direct your gift to those teachers. I would be so thankful if you'd pass this info on to your colleagues, family, boss, church, anyone. THANK YOU!!!!!


  1. Anonymous11:47 AM

    (980) 521-5403 Leave me a message with the address and who to address it to.. Don't have much myself, but I would love to be able to help you out! May God bless you and meet your needs!

  2. Anonymous7:57 PM

    More money on its way to you this week. A friend has given me some money for you - putting it in the mail this week. God is good! Thank Him for anonymous!
