Friday, April 06, 2012

hanging on

We came home from STL two weeks ago.  Rob and I had to jump right back into work and our normal life things.  I was so exhausted and have just been telling myself, "One more day, just get through today..." for two weeks now.  I am a star member of Insomniacs Are Us, and have been tired, worn out, exhausted, whatever you want to call it many times, but I have never known this level of exhaustion.  Whether it is just really all a mental "in my head" thing, allergies, or my body just having enough, I started feeling really icky this week and by the time I got to yesterday afternoon I wasn't sure I was going to make it home.  Matthew wanted to take Rob and I to see Hunger Games last night so we went.  I really didn't feel like it, but wanted to do something with our "baby" while he wanted to do something with us still.  With Robert about to leave home, I am making sure I grab every moment we get with our kids.   I got really, really sick about halfway through the movie and almost didn't make the very short ride home.  I am just so thankful I have made it to the Easter break- oh, excuse me "Spring" break. :)  Now I can relax if I need to, and apparently I need to. :)

I am having some strange emotions from time to time too- ones I wouldn't have thought I'd have.  Twice now I've seen someone who looked like my m-i-l.  It bothered me, and I don't know why.  Then today we received a card from the State of Illinois offering her free transit rides on any of their public transit routes.  Stupid, I know, but it irritated and saddened me at the same time. No idea where those feelings come from.  I just wish things had been/were different.  I wish for what never was and never can be. 

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