Wednesday, October 01, 2014


I don't know if I'll even share this, how I might share this or who will read what I have to say, but I want to say that I am NOT writing this for attention, not for sympathy, for praise (NO! NO! NO!), for anyone's approval or any reason that has to do with anyone outside of myself.  I want to reflect, to remember, to think "out loud" as I journal my experiences.

If someone sees this and it can be an encouragement that'd be nice, but I don't expect too many people to ever even see this or really, even, for anyone to understand where I'm coming from.  It's just a journal.  If you read this, please remember that these are my own feelings and experiences.  I am far, far from perfect and have made a lot of bad choices for which I am now paying the price.  I deserve what I get to some degree or another I am sure, and I'm trying so very hard to not bellyache about it. I'm not going to whine here or complain (I hope!), but I am going to share some things that I have experienced and felt.

'Nuf said.

Who am I?  -  A wife, a very proud mom of  three young adult children, a teacher ("school mom") of a lot of truly wonderful children.  I try to live the way God would want me to.  I am 43 years old for a few more weeks.  I am a transplanted Midwesterner now living in central North Carolina. That about sums me up.

What I am trying to do?- Lose a buttload of weight (quite literally) and maintain a healthier life-long weight.  Stay healthy and grow as old as the Lord will let me.  I want to be able to see any grandkids I might be blessed with grow up.  I want my grandkids someday to not be made fun of because of me like my own kids were.  I want to be able to do things, go places, have adventures, and see things that I might not if I stayed obese.

Where am I at in this goal- down 95 pounds (maybe more?) from my heaviest ever weight.  Down 60 pounds from the day I first stepped into the gym May 4, 2013.  More on that some other time.

Guess that will do for now.

R :)

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