Tuesday, September 12, 2006

what a day!

A teacher- that's what I am. I usually love what I am and what I do each day, but so far this year has been less than wonderful. The days are long and hard. There's biting, tattling, pushing, screaming from the kids. There's setting boundaries, explaining & reminding the rules, being consistent, providing firm, but loving, discipline from me.

But what about when the teacher is tired? What about when she doesn't feel well? Some days it's so hard to be a grown up. Wonder what the kiddos would do if their teacher had a tantrum? :) It would probably get their attention, but I guess I better not do that.

Guess I better keep doing what I love, even if it's hard or the joy isn't there yet, and soon enough these dog days of school will be past and I'll have my broken in kids that I always love. :)

But right now, I sure do miss my old kids.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


This week, a coworker commented on me being a "Mrs." She told someone else in our conversation that I would understand what she meant & agree with her about losing my identity being a mrs and a wife and a mom. I know that a lot of women today feel that way, but I must confess that although I understand what she is saying, for me it is not true.

Maybe I am just weird, or really old-fashioned for my age, but I had to give her the blank look and tell her that I truly don't feel that way. I don't know why, but I don't. I guess I'm not a feminist or something, although I am not in the dark ages either. I just don't feel like I have lost myself by being a mrs. or taking my husband's name (which also came up) or being his wife or the kids' mom. That is all part of who I am, my identity. I am still me (whoever that may be)- no matter what the name is or what the title I am being called by. I know many will differ and that' s okay; I'm just saying that for me, my identity is many things: a kid who was named after her grandmother & a Bible times person, an older sister, a daughter, granddaughter, niece... As an adult I added other titles, wife, college student & grad, mom (my personal favorite), friend, teacher, and hopefully the one that shows the most, Christian. Being a mrs. is not a putdown, insult, or negation of the true me; it's just part of who I am. It's a part I also love a lot.

Yeah, there are days I would like to not hear my name "Mrs. Thomas" a million times over by a room full of 5 year olds, but I wouldn't trade being Mrs. Thomas for any other name in the world. Besides I wouldn't have wanted to be Ms. Lott all my life. No offense to my dad, but that name forever? Yuck!