Tuesday, September 12, 2006

what a day!

A teacher- that's what I am. I usually love what I am and what I do each day, but so far this year has been less than wonderful. The days are long and hard. There's biting, tattling, pushing, screaming from the kids. There's setting boundaries, explaining & reminding the rules, being consistent, providing firm, but loving, discipline from me.

But what about when the teacher is tired? What about when she doesn't feel well? Some days it's so hard to be a grown up. Wonder what the kiddos would do if their teacher had a tantrum? :) It would probably get their attention, but I guess I better not do that.

Guess I better keep doing what I love, even if it's hard or the joy isn't there yet, and soon enough these dog days of school will be past and I'll have my broken in kids that I always love. :)

But right now, I sure do miss my old kids.

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