Saturday, May 12, 2007

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Thank God for our neighbor- the same one we believe was shooting his gun in the street a couple weeks ago over a broken streetlight and that called the city on our cat- but thank God for him anyway. Today, he very neighborly loaned us the use of his tiller so that we could start a garden. Rob tilled the nicest garden patch we've ever had! While Matthew was at his baseball game, Robert and I worked together to plant: sunflowers and marigolds in the back and around the garden, two kinds of corn, three kinds of peppers, zucchini, yellow squash, carrots, green beans, watermelon, cantaloupe, and lots of tomatoes. I planted some hostas and kind of threw together a flower bed by the carport where Rob took out some half dead bushes for me. I also planted an herb garden; I've always wanted one of those! It's not planted prettily or neatly, but kind of like me- a thrown together, grow where it landed and bloom where you're planted garden. Hopefully it will still be pretty, smell good, and give us some fresh herbs for cooking this summer. I pray that God will bless our puny, and not-very-educated efforts at gardening with lots of fresh food this summer to save us on our grocery bill and to bless our neighbors, pastor(s), friends, and whomever we can.

My garden will never make the cover or even the fine print of Better Homes & Gardens and no one will ever "ooh" & "aah" at my ability or green thumb, but it was fun to work with my son, especially on this Mothers' Day weekend. And it will be yummy and healthy later, I pray and hope.

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