Saturday, May 12, 2007

My Momma

Many people think their mother is the best in the whole world; that is the subject of most Mothers' Day cards. On this Mothers' Day weekend, let me tell you about my momma.

You see my momma is not the most intelligent person in the world, not the most beautiful, not the wittiest, the wealthiest, not famous, well-known, or popular. By some standards, my mother might not be considered to be very successful in life as her wealth or influence may not be very far-reaching like those in business, government, or show-biz.

But, my momma is:
  • beautiful- I know she thinks I'm a bit strange, but I have always (from my earliest remembrances) admired her hands. She thinks they're just ordinary-looking hands. She's even commented once or twice that they're ugly. But to me, they're beautiful. Those hands diapered my bottom, bathed me, fixed my "boo-boos," took care of me when I was sick, wiped away my tears, held me when I was frightened, hung up with pride my photos, cards, and many other "mementos" made by me, clapped and cheered for me at school concerts, recitals, graduations, squeezed my hand when I was in labor, and so much more than I could think of or list here. Now that I'm grown and far away, she uses her hands to send me cards, to call me, and when I come home- to cook my favorite foods. My momma expresses her love for me through her hands, and when I hold her hands or look at them, I see that love. My momma is beautiful- no matter what she thinks. :)
  • intelligent- My momma may never have finished a college degree but to me she is one of the most intelligent people I know. She is self-taught- she learned to play the piano and improved her skills through self-training, practice, and hard work. She has learned to do so many jobs and has so many skills because she is so smart! She has held jobs that many people with "the training" could not do, and she works at a pace that most people can not. She has studied the Bible, and with God's help, gained insight far beyond what I can comprehend. She has lived a life that has thrown her many "hard knocks," but she has always tried to learn a lesson and be better for it. My momma is very intelligent!
  • able to laugh- No, she is no comedian extraordinaire, but my momma has shown me that being able to laugh can get you through many tough times.
  • rich- She may not leave much $ behind when her time comes, and she certainly doesn't live in a fancy home or drive an expensive car, wear lots of jewels and designer clothes. But, my momma has a treasure stored up for her in heaven that I don't think she even can comprehend. I can't wait until the day when the Lord presents her with her heavenly treasure. I know she will be shocked at what He has in store for her. She has lived a life of giving, sacrifice, and servant hood here on earth- even when she didn't want to or it was hard. I know she thinks she's failed a lot at this and that she hasn't been a good example. But she has; she has taught me that you have to give even when it's hard and even when you don't have it in you to do so. She is also rich because she has a family that loves her and people that care about her and see God in her. You can't trade anything on earth for these riches.
  • influential- My momma has an influence that will go on into eternity. She has lived a life that, although not perfect, is still an example of how to walk for God. She has greatly influenced my life, the life of my husband, and now, my children. She has instilled a love for God, for life, for others, on us all. She has shown God to countless co-workers, people in far-away places, family members, neighbors, friends, and only God knows where these little rays of light have gone since she "shone" in their lives.
  • faithful- to God and to her family. Even when other family members didn't believe in me, my momma didn't give up on me. She stood behind me when I wanted to get married at a very young age, when I went to college, when I got pregnant and became a mother yet again. She never gave up on me no matter what has come my way- unplanned pregnancies, homelessness (if it hadn't been for my parents), financial problems, car problems, health problems... She has listened to me cry/complain/vent about student's issues and my own kids. :) She has put up with me when I was being a baby, a brat, or just selfish. She has cheered for me when times were good and held me up when times were not. I know that no matter what happens in this life, I can depend on my momma. No, she may not like everything I do or say or choose, but she won't turn her back on me.

You can say what you want about your mother, and of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but as for me, I know that my momma is truly, the best.

I love you Momma! Happy Mothers' Day now and always,

Your Rebekah Rose, Becky-Boo, Beka


  1. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Thank you Beka Boo! I love you much!!! It's easy being a good mother when you have such wonderful daughters as I do

  2. she's not rich? what am i sticking around for? i was hoping for a big windfall for putting up with them after everyone else left. :)
    happy mother's day from the other daughter.
