Friday, May 18, 2007

Shallow Me

I often tell my sister that she's "too deep" for me. It's become a joke between us. I make the same comment to my hubby lots of times. My sister and husband and parents have lots of well-thought out opinions about many topics, and they are not afraid to read, think, and talk about controversial issues, politics, church/religion/God, or about anything else that comes up in adult conversation. (Which can sometimes make for "interesting" situations in our family of talkers.) And now even my kids are starting to get "deep" on me from time to time. Then there's me. :)

See I think life is like a swimming pool. You know how a pool is, right? A shallow entry end that's safe for the "little kids" who can't really swim much or well. Their parents are always right there with them watching over them so they don't get in water too deep or over their head. Then there's this rope that marks off the deep waters where the good swimmers can go. That's where you dive in and swim and do laps and all that really "grown-up" stuff.

Well, see, I live in the shallow end of the "Pool of Thoughts." It's to protect myself so I don't drown from thoughts too difficult for me to comprehend. :) I'm just kidding!

I just sometimes can't form opinions on topics because I think I think on this side of an issue, and then I start thinking about the other side, and well, then I get "confused" or I just don't know. I don't have time to be as well-read as my hubby on current events or political things. He reads all kinds of news sites daily on the Internet and in print to find many different sources & reads people from many points of view and follows topics regularly. He knows and often contacts our various governmental representatives, stays abreast of what's going on in the local government, has all kinds of thoughts and opinions about politics... He reads about historical events; although since he does teach world history and has taught government, I guess that makes sense. He has strong views on capital punishment, immigration, the economy, and many other topics. When I talk with or listen to my parents and sister, I feel the same way about them.

It's not that I think I'm not smart and they're all brilliant or something. I know I'm a smart person too. I don't know what it is; maybe I'll blame it on teaching 5 year olds all day long. :) Outside of working with kids, and whatever insights I get from above there, I don't think I'm a very deep person. Maybe it's because all my brain power is spent trying to listen to all those kids all day long, and then I have to go home and listen to my dear children blab, giggle, complain, bicker... and remember who has what tonight and has to be where and when, and what are we cooking for dinner, and how much $ is in the checkbook (will this bounce before payday?), and what am I going to put on next week's menu.... That's it! Maybe I'm killing all my brain cells thinking about all that other stuff! :) Ha! Ha!

I don't know why I'm so shallow sometimes, but this is what I do know. I know that I'm a good wife, mom, and teacher. I know that I absolutely adore my three almost grown children and love lots of kids at school; I get morning hugs and "hi's" from kids I haven't even taught; the list of kids who come to see me for a hug in the morning has grown infinitely this year. Guess word has spread that I'm a hugger and hugs are free in my room. :) So I've decided maybe I was meant to be shallow. Seriously, that's where all the kids are in the pool, isn't it? So I'm okay with being shallow me. Leave the deep stuff for others. Besides, the shallow end is fun! :)

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