Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I have had some interesting challenges this school year. It has been one of the most difficult years for me as a teacher. Among my challenges this year, was a little girl (I'll call her Ann- though that's not her real name). Ann has come such a long way this year; it's almost like she's another child! Well, there have been many days when I thought Ann would never improve and that I must be a terrible teacher because I wasn't getting through to her or helping her to overcome her obstacles.

When at a loss, I've just hugged her and loved on her and silently prayed for her and myself and a few times even cried for her. BUT, when Ann is having a good day, she's a doll! She has the funniest laugh I've ever heard in a child, and a BIG smile! She loves to play in my hair- fascinated by it; I don't know why! She has stood for long spells at a time in the classroom and on the playground just playing in my hair, rubbing it, feeling it, smelling it, talking about it... Now she's fascinated by my skin with all its "spots and dots"- those pesky freckles, moles, and assorted marks I have. :)

When Ann's happy, I have to be happy- even on my worst days! It's like seeing the sun on a rainy day after a bad storm. It just brightens up my whole world! A while back, I started calling her my "Sunshine." Whenever she crawls up in my lap in the class or outside-which is daily, I greet with her that title and sing her the Sunshine song- you know- "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." At first, she giggled and said she wasn't my sunshine. But I've just kept explaining what that song/phrase meant, and have just kept singing that to her. Well this week, while walking, I heard another child say to me that Ann was my sunshine. I agreed and kept on walking with my class back to the room. Next thing I know, Ann is singing away the Sunshine song, and when I looked back at her, she was smiling and so proud! It looked like her face would bust from pride!

Today, she made me smile and feel so proud! Today, she told the whole class that she was my sunshine, and I was hers! WOW! "I am her sunshine, her only sunshine. I make her happy when skies are gray. I'll never know dear, how much she loves me. Please don't take her sunshine away."


  1. again deep end............going to have to get rid of the plastic floaties soon.

  2. Anonymous11:38 AM

    And who knows what a difference knowing she is someone's sunshine will make in her life. When she is old, she will remember that she was Mrs. Thomas' sunshine.

    Wow! To be able to make a difference in a child's life.
