Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Today I saw a miracle! One of my coworkers, Maria, brought her 4 month old baby boy, Noah, by the school to see us for a little bit. That may not sound like that big a deal, but Noah has been through more than most adults have even thought of going through in his four months of life. He was born with a serious heart defect and underwent heart surgery when just a few days old. After being on the heart transplant list for just a few days, Noah received his new heart. He just came home a few days ago, and today came to school to see his mommy's workplace and meet her coworkers.

Maria even let me hold him, and he let me hold him for a long time. I just talked and talked to him, and he kept his beautiful eyes on me the whole time! He is BEAUTIFUL! Noah has the prettiest eyelashes I've ever seen- so long!

And, Maria- well she is just a wonderful mom!!!!! When a lot of people might have given up on Noah early on in that pregnancy, Maria hung in there and decided to bring him into this world! She had a hard pregnancy, and I know it must have been harder than I could ever imagine. Then to deal with all the medical problems, complications, steps forward, and then setbacks... Today, she was explaining and answering all of our questions about Noah's care. She has TONS- seriously, more than I could even count- of meds she has to give him at different times of the day. She has her own stethoscope and does a lot of the medical care - like today she had to take out his feeding tube and put in a new one. YIKES!!! I know you do what you have to do, but that has to be so hard on her!!!

Well, thanks God for letting little Noah live and survive all these things. Thanks for giving him parents that believe in the value of life and who cared about him enough to love him through the pregnancy and these hard months. Thanks for Noah!

(And on a selfish note, thanks for letting me get to hold that precious little baby boy- your miracle baby for Maria & Tim & Autumn.)

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