Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A Beautiful World

I just got back a few days ago from a trip "home" to Illinois to see our family there. I love driving across the country. From our first visit to NC in 2005 when I was able to see the ocean for the first time, to last week when I travelled again across the Appalachian Mountains and out into the "plains" of Illinois, I have been reminded again and again how truly creative and powerful God is.

I know my travelling experiences are so minute compared to many people, and I have seen so very little of the world. But, I have seen enough to see the hand of God around me and to know that He exists.

Travel with me from NC to my native Midwest. I have seen an ocean that flows in and out as if a mighty hand pulled it back and forth like a yo-yo in steady motion. To know and feel the awesome power contained in each wave, the ability to push/pull objects into the land or sweep them out to sea, to crush boulders and shells into tiny, minuscule pieces of sand. To see the life that manages to live right at the edge of the sea and thrives in spite of the harsh conditions. To feel the constant wind blowing on your face. To watch the birds that look for food amongst the waves, rocks, plants, and sand, and to know that God is watching over them and knows their every move.

As you drive across this state, you can see the coastal plains slowly rise into the hilly "Piedmont" which, in turn, gives way to foothills and then to mountains. To see the mountains looming overhead, and to know that they are larger than they appear from below or far away in your vehicle. To fathom the number of trees it must take to cover those mountains or to think of the plant and animal life contained in those forests that stretch for hundreds of miles on end and know no state boundary. To imagine the Creator just stretching out his Hand and speaking those hills and forests and mountains and life into existence.

Then on "the other side" you do the process in reverse. Mountains give way to foothills, which yield to rolling hills which eventually level out into the plains. Let me tell you about the plains. They are beautiful when they are filled with fields of wildflowers and prairie plants (my personal favorite), but the fields of corn, soybeans, and alfalfa are also wonderful to watch grow from seedlings through to harvest. Each season brings its own beautiful colors, and I always loved driving the back roads to school to watch the farmers plow, sow, and harvest and to see the fields change from seedlings to full crops and to see the plants change from light green, to dark green, to golden. To see the storms come across the fields and watch the clouds out in the open is an awesome experience! To see for miles across the fields. To see all the little farms, barns, fields.

I've never been further west than this or out of our own country, but I hope to someday. I know there are many more wonders to behold, and each proves God's existence. I like to think of God holding this sphere of clay we call Earth in His palm, and using his fingers to mold the clay & soil into hills, plains, mountains, plateaus, seas, rivers... I can just see Him, as the ultimate artist, critiquing His own work and saying, "Oh, I think this area should be flat, and I want to put some mountain peaks here. What about a river through this area? Hmmm, this would be a good place for a lake." I know that is just my silly view, but however He made our world, He has proven by its existence that He is the most powerful, creative, and awesome being.

And, God, it sure is a beautiful world!

1 comment:

  1. I so don't ever want to hear that you don't swim in the deep end. you may venture out more often than i do.

    you're a great writer - good images.

    love ya, miss ya already.
