Sunday, July 22, 2007

Life, Test, or Trial- I'm Gonna' Keep on "Truckin' On!"

There have been times in my life when I thought I was going through a trial or maybe that God was testing me. Sometimes, my wise mother has reminded me, that not all troubles are tests or trials, but just plain old life. And, I have to admit, that my momma is probably right, as she often has been in times past.

Well, whatever it is- a test or trial or just life- our car broke down today on our way home from church without any warning that it was going to quit. I mean, really, it could have at least spluttered or put on a light or given some signal yesterday that it wasn't feeling well. But, it didn't. It just blew apart the transmission and we had to pray it home, literally. It was only God that we even got home; the car literally breathed its last as Rob put it in park in front of our house. Now the red car sits on the street in front of our house awaiting its final diagnosis and possible final destination. :) Dramatic, aren't I? :) Just feeling a little silly, that's all.

Our new pastor has been preaching about spiritual warfare, and today he concluded with the importance of prayer. God really spoke to Rob in the sermon, and he went forward for a time of prayer. After church, he apologized to me for not being a better "high priest" or spiritual leader for our family as the Bible talks about. We discussed this on our drive from church to take our daughter to work and then to stop at the gas station and go on home, and we agreed to make some specific changes starting today to help each other do a better job of being accountable to each other about praying, consistently and more fervently, for our children and family and our students, etc., etc., etc.... This had not more than come out of our mouths when within just a few minutes the car's transmission (and we're not sure if it's anything else) went kapoooeee!

It's sort of frustrating to me because God has been good to us and been blessing our finances as I've worked hard this past year to get them in shape. With God's help, I will have our van paid off early this fall and the car paid off by late fall, and a lot of other things are starting to "fall into place." It keeps happening that just when things start to get better, something always seems to go wrong. I know that God has helped us SO-O-O-O many times in the past, and He will helps us this time too, I am sure of that! And, as I keep telling Rob and have said to myself and even shared with my momma, when we've had car trouble or other problems like these in the past, they put us way behind, having to not pay other bills, borrow or mooch off family, pay late on other things... just to fix a vehicle. We were always behind, and now we somehow find enough $ to take care of many of the things that have needed repairs. So, we must be getting better off. I know this will be taken care of.

So, I guess I'll just start today's prayer with asking for wisdom about how to solve this car issue. I prayed a few weeks ago when this car had some other problems, and felt impressed that He had given us this car and, therefore, it is really, His car. So God, your car is broke. Do you want it fixed? And if so, how? Where? If not, what should we do with Your car? Help us to know what You want for us, and to have the wisdom, faith, courage, and ears to understand Your will today.

So, whatever the outcome, my hope and prayer is that Rob & I will pass this life event (or test or trial) with God giving us a good grade. More importantly, I want to know that I made Him proud of me for the way I handled another of the events in my life and that perhaps I can use this to shine a little light on someone else's path.

For now, I'm His "broke down, but not broken" Rebekah :)


  1. hmmmmm....wonder if the new car is God saying "hey good job" and he had to make the old break down and you pray it home so you could get a new one and gain a little more confidence, not in Him, but in your journey with him....i know i know sis....the deep end. :)

  2. Anonymous4:20 PM

    So proud to see the spiritual growth in you child!

    And I know God is even prouder!
