Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Our new car, which I named :) Rosie

It's midnight, and I have to rise for another work day in just a few hours, but I have to jot myself a note. Yesterday our car "died." Today, a new car came home with us.

God is too good to even fathom, and He continues to look out for us, as He always has, even when I couldn't always see it at the time.

Today, I bought "my" very first, ever in my whole life, brand-spanking new car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am 36, and have never before owned or bought a new car. Most of our vehicles have been old beaters or cars with way too many miles. Thanks to family members, we have had some good used cards that we were able to use until they just fell apart. Now, I was able to get a new car on my own credit, without anyone's help or anything!

God you are too awesome, too good, and too kind to me, and I for sure, don't deserve it. BUT, I'll take it with a very heartfelt, "Thank You Father; I appreciate this more than I can say! Good night God!"


  1. All i have to say is i wanted pics of the car and not sunflowers!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  2. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Hello Rosie! Can't wait to see you in person in November. Will you give me a ride?

  3. Are the kids fighting over the car, yet? Ha ha ha. I'm happy for you; you deserve it.
