Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Woooo-hooooo (A BIG accomplishment- no pun intended)

Okay, I'm FAT!!!!!!! Obese. Elephantine. Large. Full-bodied. Overweight. Hefty. Big Mama (yes, I've been called that at school). Plus size. And, yes, I've been told, "You have such a pretty face." :) A typical fat person compliment.

I've also worked on not being so fat for years with no real, lasting success. I've exercised, tried to watch what I eat, etc. so many times I can't even count them all. But this summer, I really got serious about asking God to help me and me sticking to my guns about working on this weight issue. My goal is realistic, I think. I am almost 37. My goal is to be as close to a more ideal weight by the time I hit 40 as I can. I may never be small, but I think I can at least be a much more healthy weight by then. And as I am making better eating and exercise habits, this weight should be able to be maintained and maybe even keep losing after I am 40, but I know this is really getting to be my "last chance" to get the weight off before I hit those famous middle-age years. Instead of worrying so much about a "poundage" I'm going to try to focus on dropping dress sizes and inches and that's really what I need to focus on.

So, without really having the $ for it, Rob and I both decided to join the Y this summer since we found out about a GCS employee discount. So since mid-July we have been going faithfully to the Y 3-5 times a week. I started swimming and treading water, but began to start walking some also as school started. I could barely do a 1/2 mile when I first started walking, but am now up to about 2 miles. :) I can now tread water for 30 minutes or more too without being even very tired. :)

Now for the really honest, embarassing part. When we first started going, I was too fat to be able to weigh on the scales in the Y. I have estimated my weight, and I think it's probably a pretty good guess. The scale has been moving, slowly- VERY slowly. In mid- September I hurt my back at work, but kept going on exercising for another week or two. But by late-September, I could hardly walk, stand, sit, and couldn't even get in/out of bed without Rob just having to pull me out with me literally screaming. That put an end to my exercise routine, and I've been concerned about it. After about a month of pain, I started doing some walking around our neighborhood, but it hasn't been much at all. Tonight, two months since I hurt my back, I went back to the Y. I started by weighing myself, figuring I'd picked up some pounds. BUT, oh my goodness- I have continued to lose weight!!!!!!!! I'm now down about 30 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!

God must be helping me, because there is no other explanation for it. So now I'm counting on You, God, to help me keep this up and lose another 30 pounds and then another 30 and another and another. I would like to do this another 5 times. Yeah, that's a good way to look at it- 30 pounds X 5. I can do that. Just a few pounds at a time. And at this rate, I should start dropping the clothes sizes soon.

THANK YOU GOD FOR HELPING ME LOSE 30 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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