Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Another Day to Remember for Barbara

Today Barbara was inducted into the National Honor Society! Rob & I were both able to leave work early enough to be there for her. I teasingly told her that if she was honored for anything else I didn't care- I wasn't leaving work. :) :) :) She did have an awards program this morning, but I couldn't do both.
Here are some photos of both of my NHS students! I love my kids, and I am so proud of them!!!

And with Ms. Weinkle, one of their teachers and the NHS advisor.


  1. Anonymous10:00 PM

    I'm proud of them too!!!! You and Rob did a great job as parents! I'm proud of you two too!!!!

  2. could you please not have your last child be so smart...they are arrogant enough with their genetics we don't need them to have real skills now do we....
