Sunday, May 11, 2008

Thankful for Being a Mom

I am so very thankful, beyond the words I can write here, to be a mom. Our kids mean more to me with each passing year. They have taught me a great deal about God's love, about life, about being a mom, about love and acceptance, about joy and happiness. I never knew I could love so deeply until I became a mom, and I never knew I could love so deeply until the years started passing me by and they've become almost grown. That love I felt when I felt my children move inside me or when they were handed to me after they were born has only grown each year; I had no idea how much I would love these children.

I enjoy being home with my family more than anything, more than any place I could visit, more than any other activity I could do. No one else fills me with more pride and joy. It has been a thrill to watch them grow and learn and experience life, and though I am feeling some small bit of sadness to know I soon have to let them go, I am thrilled to watch them grow and become the young adults they are. I look forward to the future and seeing them graduate, finish college, start their life's work and ministries, date, marry, and begin families of their own.

I know my time with my children at home is drawing to a close, and though I will hate to see it end, I know the next stage of my life as mom will be a wonderful and joyful one.

Thank You God for allowing me to be a mom. Thank you for all the little moments I've had to enjoy: the little handfuls of flowers, the cards and pictures and creations I've received, the snuggles and the night-time "company" we sometimes had, the laughter, and yes, the times of pain and worry and stress, the many, many memories and stories I have to remember our time. Thank You for teaching me about Your love through mother-hood; there has been no other method in my life that has helped me understand You and Your love more than being a mom. Thank You for it all, Father.


  1. your very lucky sis!

  2. no, i'm not lucky. God has just blessed me a lot- more than i deserve. and i am very aware of that and grateful.
