Thursday, July 31, 2008

Babs and Me on the Road

So, long story not told here, Barbara and I have left for our first mom & daughter road trip. We don't have a specific plan except to head southwest to the mountains to Asheville. Who knows what we'll end up doing, but we're sure to have some fun! I feel really guilty leaving Rob and the boys, but I know it's okay for them to have "dad" time and Barbara has been telling me she needs some "mom" time.
Here we are getting ready to go. Matthew kept wanting to make funny faces in the picture and made me laugh!
Rob has "racing-on-the-brain" syndrome. Here Matthew gives us the pit crew push for our send off, and Rob is directing us out of the driveway. :)

Barbara's Road Trip Menagerie- Rob & I came out of the house and found this in our back seat waiting for us to leave. Too cute!!! And, yes, these all came in the hotel with Barbara and me and are now sitting here on the bed with me. :)

I told Barbara, our first road trip rule was we had to take lots of photos- and lots of them goofy photos too. I took this one. Loved it!

Just what every road trip needs- snacks and a movie player. Barbara drug our portable dvd player with her to watch movies.
I am turning into a true southerner! I found myself backing into the hotel parking space before I realized it. Oh my!!! And, of course, I am a terrible driver in reverse- can you tell???? Barbara took this photo of my terrible parking job!
So that's it for our first night on the road! Signing off from Asheville, NC,
Barbara & Rebekah :)

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