Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Playdate- Hooray!

Yesterday we (the kids & I) had a "play" date- I haven't ever had one of those before. I know lots of moms who have them, but that term wasn't invented yet when I was a young mom I guess, or I just didn't really know too many other moms. Probably the latter, as I was a college student and very young mommy- how many 19/20/21 year olds do you know in college with 1, 2, or 3 infants & toddlers? :) I was truly crazy! :)

Anywhoooo, I digress.... Yesterday after I got off work from summer school, Maria and Autumn, and Noah came over and they brought Maria's brother, Adam, too. So Matthew had a new friend to hang out with, talk with, and PlayStation with. :) They hit it off great! Maria and I got to talk some when I wasn't playing Memory or Candyland with Autumn or flirting with Noah or when Maria wasn't changing diapers or feeding Noah. :) It was just a wonderfully nice afternoon. We talked a little about school and kids and money and kids and I don't even remember what all. We sat on the floor and played with Maria's kids, and my kids talked with Maria and me like the young adult people they are. It was a wonderful afternoon!!! I should tell anyone who might read this and who does not know that I am so truly, deeply honored to be Noah's godmother. Who would have ever thought it??? Me, a godmother?!?!!!

Noah is still a little shy around me and not sure if I am crazy or what. But truth be told, I'm not sure about that either. :) That is a sure sign of his intelligence. :) Ha! Ha! I was so thrilled to get a laugh and a few smiles too and some on camera! Barbara got to hold Noah :) and when they were leaving, we got kisses!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!! That made my day!
Rob teases me and told me last week that when Tim & Maria asked me to be Noah's godmother, they didn't know I would adopt Autumn too. :) But hey, my excuse is that when we first moved here and I met Maria, Autumn was only a few months old, so I've known her almost her whole life. She's growing up into a very smart & adorable preschooler, and how can I not love her too? :) :) :)

Maria & Tim are such great parents!!!!

So, Maria, if you're reading this, THANKS for coming over to hang out and play and relax! I had a lot of fun with your family! And Tim & Maria, thanks again for honoring me to be a part of Noah's life and a small part of your family & friends! I love you guys!

P.S. Maria said I could post a few of the photos that I took yesterday of the kids too. Aren't they just cute, cute, cute? Thanks, Maria!

I just liked this picture. Noah just sat there for a while staring up at Barbara. Wonder what he was thinking? Hmmm....


  1. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Those were awesome, I love the black and white photos.. Noah looks like a little man.....

  2. OH Rebekah you just make me love you so much more when I read the things you write. I love the friend that you are and I love the deeper friend ship that we have developed together. I am so proud to have you as a friend and we are so honored to have you as Noah's Godmother. Autumn is very lucky to have you as a step-mother/ friend. LOL! Love you bunches!!!

  3. Anonymous6:22 AM

    You and Maria are both blessed to have each other for friends.
