Friday, July 11, 2008

Bath Time Is For the Dogs

Here are my :) thoughts for today:

Rob decided the dogs needed a bath- I should tell you that Dexter got a bath the other night at 11:30 PM or so when he got loose, yet again, during a storm. Rob tracked him down and somehow he had gotten into a storm drain or something and, well, he was a bit "ooo-ey"- we'll leave it at that. Poor Rob, standing outside at almost midnight in a storm to hose the dog off in the dark. :( I wanted to help him, but was a "bit" sick and could not. :(

So, Samson goes first tonight. He wasn't too thrilled as you can see. But he's the absolute sweetest dog, and he took it pretty well.

Dexter, went under the deck when he saw Rob go for the hose, but when he realized it was Sammy's turn, well he came back out, got some undivided attention from us, and then just enjoyed this peach as if he hadn't a care in the world. He didn't look at Samson again or notice him, until Sammy was done and trying to follow Dexter around and shake off the water all over Dex. :)

Now it is Dexter's turn. He HATES bath time, but has quit fighting Rob over it. Barbara helped wash both the dogs this time.

Barbara went running when both the dogs tried to come give her some "attention" and shake off all over her. She hid behind the screen door and just stood there while they both watched her and waited for her to come back out. :)

I was going to post the "post bath" photos, but Blogger and I aren't getting along. Oh well, I've bored you enough with these dog pictures I'm sure.

Though I've been really sick this week, I'm feeling better today, and enjoyed a nice day at school, a nice meal (I picked out the recipe & Rob made white chili which was a first for us, and it was great!), and now a nice, quiet evening while the kids are at youth group. Rob and I are going to go burn some fossil fuel and money which we don't really have and just go for a ride, but I'm not driving. I'm ready to quit driving myself anywhere because I am just getting too stupid. Tomorrow is grocery day, plus lesson planning, preparing for my part of VBS (which isn't that much really), and hopefully I'll be feeling good, even better than today and I can be a "real human being" for a change.

P.S. What a beautiful night for a drive. We went out and found some country- NC country anyway. It was so pretty! We had to take the long way back because they closed the interstate back into G'boro, so it was even better! I heard frogs and crickets and locusts and all those creatures! We drove with the windows down, talked, listened to K-Love and sang and worshipped together. It was so nice! When we came home, the dogs came in to say "hi" to mom and get a treat. Here they are with Rob.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Glad you had some time with just you and Rob and got to enjoy the crickets. I still love hearing them sing at night and the birds in the morning. They're praising God.

    Love you! Thanks for the pictures!
