Friday, August 22, 2008

Oh, You Never Let Go

Friday night
seriously crazy busy week
a tiny bit of negative at work but thank God a lot of positives too :) - I'm focusing on the :)'s instead
nothing but running, driving, running, working, working, working
some not so good news
a hurting coworker/friend who I'm sorrowing for
homesick- wish I could hold my Momma's hand right now and lay my head on her shoulder
tired beyond words
missing two teacher/friends that I have come to love- both moving on to better things God has in store for them

I'll let these very true words from David Crowder Band's song- "Never Let Go" speak to my heart, and hopefully yours, tonight:

When clouds veil sun and disaster comes,
Oh my soul, oh my soul.
When waters rise, and hope takes flight
Oh, my soul Oh, my soul...
Ever faithful, ever true
You I know, You never let go...
When clouds brought rain and disaster came
Oh, my soul Oh, my soul
When waters rose, and hope had flown
Oh, my soul Oh, my soul...
Oh my soul overflows
Oh what love...
Oh, my soul fills with hope
Perfect love that never lets go
Oh, what love...
In joy and pain In sun and rain
You're the same Oh, You never let go

Thank You Father that You truly never let go- even when it seems that way or when I feel utterly alone and worn down, burdened and sorrowed for others. Thank You for Your love, Your hope, and Your hand.

Good night & Happy Weekend,
Rebekah :)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:39 AM

    HE is there always, forever! Growing up one verse I claimed "When my mother and father forsake me, then the Lord will pick me up."

    Of course, Pop and I have not forsaken you, but we are limited in our ability to be there - to do anything about the situation.

    But God is faithful. Hang on to Him kid!

    Love you MUCH
