Monday, August 18, 2008

Turning it Around

Okay, for the record, this lesson direct from heaven did not come because I was actually complaining, griping, or otherwise belly-aching, it just came because God must have known I was going to need it later this weekend.

Now, on to the lesson I want to record and have here to reread, relearn, and remember. :)

While grocery shopping I was joking around with the cashiers at the store where I shop. They know me not by name but because we come every week or two, spend a LOT, and I always have a slave, um I mean a kid with me :) - they take turns going with me on grocery days. The managers even know who I am and ask about the different kids when they aren't with me. This time I was alone (which NEVER happens) and the manager commented about that. It's kind of funny, actually. I digress.

There was a gentlemen behind me in line unloading his few groceries as I was paying. I started to jokingly offer to trade him bills as my receipt printed out about 4 feet long (a whole rain forest gave its life for my receipt). I've done this before and always gotten a laugh from somebody, but something stopped me. Now for anyone reading, please know that I have griped about many, many things in life, but NEVER my grocery bill. I really don't like paying a million dollars a month for food, but it doesn't really bother me and I have never complained about it. I love my kids and husband and don't mind spending a lot for food for them & of course for myself.

Anywhooo, something stopped me and made me think that maybe this gentleman would actually like having more people to buy for, that maybe he is alone and doesn't have anyone else to spend his time and money on. I didn't say anything but just stood there thinking about how blessed I am. As I told the cashier my usual, "goodbye, have a great weekend" bit, I said a silent prayer to God and told Him thank you for having to spend a lot of money on groceries, for it means that I am blessed with a family. As I left the grocery store, I really began to think on this mini-lesson God dropped into my lap. This idea can be spread out in my life to a lot of other things, and I started thinking of things that I might have viewed negatively in the past. I started a list in my mind, then got home and started putting things away and went on.

Move ahead a few hours. Rob & I went to help a couple of teachers and their family load up two houses & a storage bin into a U-Haul for their move to West Virginia. I was teary as we were getting close to leaving, and thinking about how I HATE saying goodbye, and I HATE how I finally get a friend and they leave and how I have to say goodbye, yet again, to someone I care about. I was feeling kind of lonely and bummed, but then my Saturday morning lesson just "popped" into my mind. Yeah, God, I'm listening. I get it.

So, I am turning things around and thinking of my life in different terms now.

Thank you God for:
  • a big grocery bill every month, for it means that I have a family to love & who loves me
  • a big grocery bill, for it means that I have a job & income to pay for this food- there was a time in my life when I didn't have the means to buy food for my family and where Rob & I went without & I NEVER want to be there again
  • the "goodbyes" for it means that I was able to say "hello" to friendship, even if for a short time
  • tears of sorrow, for it means I have experienced joy & happiness & I know I will again
  • aches & pains for it means I am alive and able-bodied and I have those "parts" to be achy
  • being angry with my children, for it means I have kids to love and teach and raise and who have & will give me great joy- even if it is not right now :)
  • the blah feeling & the sorrow I have right now about going back to school, for it means that I had some time (even if it wasn't enough) to spend with my family and stay home
  • the early mornings and the crazy-busy schedule, for it means I have a job and a family to take care of

There's more to this list rambling around in my head, but this is really deep & I wanted to get it down somewhere for when I do forget. This way I can come back here & re-teach myself something God showed me.

Thankfully His,

Rebekah :)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I am crying and rejoicing as I read this! I'm so glad you recognize the blessings you have been given from God.

    I have done the same thing. Complained about having to get up to go to work - and then I remember that I could have died from cancer - I could have lost my job - I could be too weak to go. Almost all our "complaints" if we look at them are really blessings we just fail to see.

    God has been so-o-o-o good to our family. We are SO BLESSED!

    And the greatest blessing besides knowing Him is that we have each other.

    Love you!!!
