Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas Tree Time 2008

On this chilly, foggy, rainy Sunday afternoon, the Thomas family went out to get a Christmas tree for what could be our last Christmas with three children living at home, and what we all hope is our last Christmas in someone else's house (as we hope to be moving into our own home in a few weeks' time).

I had to take a few photos, even if this isn't quite as nostalgic as it used to be or as exciting since by this time next year, I may be minus one or two kids at home.

Ever the clowns are my children!

Okay, I don't usually step out from behind the camera, and I definitely resemble a pig or something with a snout here, but oh well.

And, of course with Rob too.

Go Barbara Go! Proving once again that girls rock too! :)

Only our family would go out in the rain to get a tree, and only our kids would wear flip-flops in NC at this time of year- everyone else down here thinks we are nuts! Shhh, don't tell them we really are! :)

Without the van this year, we had to improvise how to get the tree home.

Everybody had a part except for me who just took pictures. :)

Now to find time to decorate this crazy busy week. Hopefully before our company arrives later this week. I hope, but Scott & Jessica, if you're reading this, don't count on it! :)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Thanks for sharing the pictures! I loved them! Enjoy your tree!
