Tuesday, May 12, 2009

If My Life Were a Soap Opera, The Show Would Be Cancelled

Whew! I am so thankful for a peaceful evening in/at my home. There haven't been so many of those lately, and it's been hard- really hard.

Just total craziness in trying to juggle the schedules of Rob & his three jobs total plus Robert & his two jobs and his college classes and the schedules of three high school students plus my own job somewhere in there... Plus parenting issues, some issues and tension between people at home and added to work stresses for Rob & I both, not enough sleep- well it's just been rough.

I've been praying for peace in the house, and I am so thankful that God answered- just in time. At least until the next "day of our life..." ;) Ha Ha Ha!!!! I joke, but lately with all the drama, I have felt like a soap opera or a reality t.v. show. :)

The last week has seen a change in work situation as Rob found out his position has been cut. He will have a job somewhere, but at the moment all we know is he is going to be going through the interview for a new job deal and at some point in the near future moving jobs/schools/positions. :( I HATE this for him. Change is hard on him (as I know it is many people), and he had just finally begun to relax again after the trauma he/we had in GCS. That was really hard on him, and it has really, truly taken some time for him to be okay. Now he will have to start over, get to know people & people know him, learn a new school.... Well, I know it could be so much worse, so I don't want to complain. I also know they say he'll have a job, but until he actually does, well- I'll just feel better when it's a done deal. For right now, we're very much in limbo.

Oh, and my back has become a BIG issue again. I can hardly walk and am in a lot of pain. Been interesting trying to be a teacher, get up & down throughout the day, do playground with my kids, let alone walk to the office, lunch room and bus lot and then come home and cook and do my household duties.

I keep remembering that God is with us in all things, and that song my momma used to sing after my daddy died- "He didn't bring us this far, to leave us. He didn't teach us to swim just to let us drown." So I know God is here, and He is greater than job problems, stresses at work, $ or the lack of, back problems or any other health situation, and bigger than any problem your family can throw at you. After all God was the Father of Jesus- how interesting that must be. :)

So, I know it will all work out for good, and I'm hanging onto the end of the rope and trusting in my Maker. Now, God, what are we going to name my soap opera life? :) Ha Ha

Night for now. Time for me to take some muscle relaxant and go off to la-la land. By the way, did I ever tell you one of my old bosses asked me if I lived in "la-la land?" She was so kind and gracious -NOT!- she did this in front of all the staff at a program wide staff meeting complete with everyone that worked in the HeadStart/PreK program. Just thought of that. Okay, this ADHD moment was sponsored by------ me!

Night! ;)

Rebekah :)

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