Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Letters to the Teacher

Yesterday my students wrote me letters after I left to go the dr. with my back problem. I am sitting here tonight with this stack of letters and crying "happy tears" as I have always called them to explain them to my own children years ago, and now my students. I'm such a cryer- sometimes it really bothers me that God made me this way, but it is just who I am. Try as I have, it is a trait I am learning to accept as truly, God's quirk in me. :)

These letters are truly sweet. They express such love to me, and I can see bits of me in them-
things I have taught them. I hope they carry these lessons and this bit of me I've given them forever.

One little girl wrote to me that I was her favorite teacher in the world even when I was mad. :) I told them over & over that I love them no matter what- bad behavior, wise or not-so-wise choices, good days, bad days, cranky days, no matter what and for always- because I see the person inside them. A small bit of the unconditional love I hope they come to know and understand someday, somehow.

I am always amazed at how prettily they draw me. I am not a pretty to look at person; yet when they draw me I seem almost pretty through their eyes. Then I realize once again, that we have talked about this idea many, many times this year. The idea that beauty is not how we look on the outside, but who we are on the inside. I've taught them that it is more important how nice you are to others, how you help others, how you treat people, than what you wear, how your hair is fixed, what kind of clothes or backpack you have, or any of that other stuff. So, when they draw me, maybe they are drawing the person I try to be so hard on the inside. Maybe they are drawing that big ol' well of love I have for them and try to show every single day I'm with them. I think kids can see through us adults better than we would ever want to admit. I hope what they see in me is what it ought to be.

Then, there is the little boy who is so very far behind his classmates. I'm truly worried about him, but in this stack of letters is a picture of his. And when I saw his name I didn't believe it was his work. He drew his first actual stick person EVER and it is clear, and he dictated a sentence to Elba- "Mrs. Thomas and I playing together." OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!! What a breakthrough of huge proportions!!!!! You just will never know how much this means to me or how big a deal this is!!!!

So, truly I am very blessed- bad back and all!

Thank you God for this calling You gave me to be a public school teacher. Thank You for a bunch of little people who love me this much. Thank You for this reminder of Your love- your unconditional love- shown to me through the eyes, hands, mouths, and lives of a group of very special children!

1 comment:

  1. Momma8:02 PM

    How blessed the kids are to have you for their teacher!
