Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Brother's Love

I just had to quickly write that Robert made us so proud this afternoon. It made Rob & I both cry a little more than we already have in the past 12 hours. :)

Robert attends a different church than we do; Matthew also goes there on Friday nights for youth group and Barbara does too sometimes. I do want to say how much Rob & I adore the youth leaders at this church. They truly have taken our kids in and love them all very much, and it shows. They will never know how much their love of our children means to us. His church youth group was having a graduation cookout for their two graduates at the park down the road from here. He stopped by the house on his way there with a couple friends from church to get some foil and a game. He invited his sister to join them since she was also a graduate and she was feeling a little let down from yesterday. I know it's mushy-gushy of me to say it, but "awwww..." (tears....)

Rob & I both complimented him on how thoughtful and kind and just mature that was of him to think of her feelings from last night and think to include her... he, of course, just shrugged it off as nothing big. :) I do love that kid, child, ummmm, young man of ours!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet brother!! My older brother and I, strangely, graduated high school the same year together. That was our first time really truly bonding, and we have ever since (we are also the only believers in our family so that helps). It is good to write this stuff down and remember it :)
