Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What a Day!

Last workday of the year- well official one anyway. Found out this morning that I am moving classrooms to a different building, so I will be working hard all week to get things cleaned out, packed up, moved over and put away in the new room behind the teacher who is moving out of that room.

I came home, rode our exercise bike (now labeled with a Sharpie, "the Y" as we had to drop our membership due to $) and wrote 7!!! Donors Choose grants tonight. I will post them on here when they get approved by the DC staff. I'm excited and hope they get funded- all of them are under $150- several close to the $100 minimum DC requires, so please pray I can get them funded. Rob has written several more for his new school too, so please pray for his too. :) Thanks! If each of them get funded, I would be able to order books, literacy props (puppets and prop sets to go with the books), a tabletop puppet theater, a listening station with wheels that would be perfect for my kids to use, a puzzle box and several multicultural puzzles, a bunch of hands-on science stuff: butterfly & frog habitat kits, a see through plant box and well, lots of other neat stuff, and an incubator (yeah, if I get it, I'm going to be brave and try the chicks again). If you want to know what happened the last time I did the chicks, well read here and here and here, but don't read it unless you want to cry- well, maybe. :)

One of Barbara's friends, Rita, came over tonight and hung out with the kids. Barbara brought home our big bucket of legos today (I keep it at school now that they are so old and grown up). She and Matthew and Rita all played with legos and built some cool stuff. Kind of neat- it made me smile!!!! Then the girls watched The Little Princess- OH, I love that movie!!! Then I took the kids to World Market; while they walked around and just looked at stuff, I sat in my car and read a book- a long way gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier.

Tomorrow this computer will go back to Rob's high school as he says his final goodbyes there and leaves. :( I'm sad for him, but know God is in control and He must have some awesome things in store for my husband. Still I've been on the end of a pink slip before, and I know how hard it is to leave when you don't want to. My computer hasn't come back from the computer hospital yet, so until then, I'll be incognito or if something exciting happens, I'll run up to the library to blog. Until then, I'll be doing summer school starting this Friday, reading, and enjoying less stress and looking forward to some vacation away from a full work schedule.

Last thing I promise! I found this wonderful young lady's blog a long time ago- followed her story and then started occasionally commenting, anyway- she's a really neat person. God worked a big miracle and blessing in her life recently. If you want to see His work, go read her blog here.

Love to all!
Rebekah :)

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