Sunday, August 23, 2009

God blesses us even when we don't deserve it

In the midst of a little storm this week, God still shows me He loves me. I don't understand Him or His crazy love, but I am so thankful for it.

I woke up this morning to an email that another of my donorschoose projects was funded. This makes four of 8 that were funded so far this summer! :) I have four more live projects up right now, and now have more points earned to write more grants when I have some time. Each time we submit a proposal it costs us points, but we can earn points back by confirming our funding promptly, by writing a thank you note immediately, and then by completing the thank you package with student letters and photos. So for every project we get funded and complete the requirements we spend 1 point but earn 3. So far in the one year I have been a donorschoose teacher, I have had 7 projects fully funded & only two partially or not funded. I just added those projects up and it totals over $1900 that has been given to my class by friends, family, myself, a wonderful volunteer of ours, and total & complete strangers from NY to WA and all over the nation!

This is one of the four remaining projects left that I am hoping will get funded. I prayed all summer that God would bless me with full funding for them all. I'm half way there thanks to God sending me some generous donors! This one is called We Love Puzzles, and when funded, it will purchase a wooden puzzle rack and two sets of multicultural puzzles- one that displays homes around the world and one that shows families from around the world in different cultures.

You can find my other proposals by on the sidebar over there. Or you can go to, type in the search bar, Allen Jay Elementary, and look for projects with Mrs. T. on them. That's me! If you know anyone or any business that would be willing to donate, would you please pass my info along? Thanks a bunch!

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