Friday, August 21, 2009

what a week!

it's 8:30 on a Friday night- the first Friday night of the new school year. i have survived a very, very long day, and i am not sitting here in the dark (and i do mean dark- not a light on in my house tonight) with nothing but the sound of the ceiling fan whirring away. aaaaahhhhh peace.

it's been quite a week. barbara started college this week! robert's new semester started as well. rob started with his new students at his new school today. i prayed for him all day and hope he had a wonderful day! i haven't seen him yet, so i'm looking forward to him getting home from the ballpark to talk. mandatory training for me monday & tuesday. i had my first session as a trainer for the county (i am shadowing this time around because i was so nervous about doing this) yesterday & another "lovely" (NOT!) workshop this morning that my principal made me go to. it was AWFUL!!! and that's a whole 'nother blog post sometime perhaps. barbara had an interview at mcdonalds tuesday. please God, give her a job! rob had to work at the ballpark two nights this week and so did barbara- two other nights. rob, matthew, and i had all our open houses this week plus an ice cream social deal at my school one night too. i have a job, for which i am HUGELY grateful, but this year has gotten off to a bit of a rough start. i will be teaching something, but there's no idea yet what i'll actually end up teaching. for the moment it's a K/1st combo, but it could change to a straight K, straight 2nd, or a 1st/2nd combo. there have been so many people trying to help and talking to me about it, talking to the principal, talking to each other.... i'm waaaay confused, waaaay overwhelmed about it, and waaaay ready for the drama to end. i HATE drama and do NOT want to have it in my life!!!! i didn't get my class list until 40 minutes or so before open house tonight. this is by far the worst prepared i've EVER been for an open house. grrrr... but i pulled it off, the parents seemed okay, and it will all work out. i just keep praying and reminding myself that all summer i've prayed that God would give me the kids i was meant to teach. He will, and i need to trust Him better.

it was our 21st anniversary in there too somewhere. we spent that day working, shoving a quick bite in between taking the two older kids to work and going to matthew's open house. that was nice though to be together with matthew and have some time just for him and to see his classes and teachers. and we got to meet his JROTC instructors. i'm getting LOTS better about that thanks to God's help!

i've got so much to do this weekend; i won't bore anyone with the list. i know everyone's got theirs too. hey maybe that'd be fun. you could leave your list in the comments... too bad we couldn't all help each other out and do those lists together- now that'd be fun! :) but i should say that on my to-do list for the weekend is "fill out graduate school application" because i don't' think it put it on here yet, but i'm getting to attend grad school for six classes to earn a math teaching license, and i don't have to pay anything- for tuition or books... :) it was a pilot program between the county and the state college system, and they are paying for it all. they only chose 25 teachers in the whole county. there were three teachers from my school that were picked, and i am one of them! :) i have no idea if i can do this on my own power, but i am remembering my momma's favorite verse- "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Father, right now, I need some strength, please! :)

good night world. hope you all have a wonderful weekend! ours is booked full, but it will be good!

1 comment:

  1. Praying you have some time to sit for a moment this weekend.

    So proud of you getting the grad school scholarship. GOD IS SO GOOD!!!

    Love you!
