Sunday, August 30, 2009

okay, it's official, i don't like this at all

it's 3:45 a.m. i couldn't get to sleep, and finally at 1:00 i thought i had to try a little harder, gave myself a lecture, put on some music on my computer way down low and tried really hard to get comfortable on this hard cushioned bed/thingy in the room. i dozed very little and laid there pretty uncomfortable mostly, getting up to help my baby :) when he needed something. about 45 minutes ago, he got very sick and almost passed out on me in the bathroom. i called the nurse for help, and when she got there she had to use smelling salts a couple times to revive him and took some vitals, and called for the rapid response team for assistance. talk about SCARED TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm trying not to let it show, but i'm really not liking this.

not. at. all.

Father, I know he really is Your child, and I only get to have a short time with him. I know You already know all this, but our baby needs Your healing and help. And, if You can spare it, I need a little rest tomorrow- when it's all over. :) I know You love us, and I'm so very, very thankful.

1 comment:

  1. Momma9:18 PM

    So thankful he's okay. A little lost sleep for us - but God is good, good, good!
