Thursday, September 03, 2009

Matthew's week

Grrr... I'm so mad at my computer!!! It just "ate" all these photos I've taken. I had a bunch, and they're gone to somewhere. I was viewing them on the computer as they uploaded and when I went to edit them, the whole batch is gone. Grrr..

Oh well, these are a few of what's left to show how Matthew's week has gone so far. Went to the dr. today for a checkup. I want to warn you, if you're the type who doesn't like icky stuff- blood, wounds, etc. don't look down at the bottom. I am putting a closeup of his incision site and injured area there. It's pretty icky looking still.

a lot of napping :)

the youth group came over to see Matthew after he got home from the hospital on Sunday- this means soooo much to us!!!!

playing on mom's computer and doing homework (which is what he's actually, really doing here)

Matthew's incision site and wounded area as it looked today at his checkup after they took off the plaster cast and cotton protective stuff... the whole area is swollen and red, blue, purple. i told him he looks like Frankenstein now :)


  1. Momma9:20 PM

    Thanks for the pics! He looks so sweet sleeping - our "gentle giant."

    It's great that you have such a wonderful youth group at Robert's church. God blessed you there!

    Love you!

  2. Yes He did bless us so much with that youth group!!! And I sure do love that gentle giant of a son. God blessed us with him too, and I thank Him for that daily. I was reminded of that this past weekend when the nurse called for the help and I was so scared. Though the circumstances stink, I have so enjoyed my time with my "little man" this week and am sure going to miss him!!!!
