Sunday, September 27, 2009

One Month Ago

School's been in session for about a month now. Interesting to look at the last month and think about all that's happened in the last 4-6 weeks.

One month ago
  • i heard from a teacher friend who was writing to say goodbye because she had two months left to live.
  • i was spending the weekend in the dr.'s office/hospital with my son who was having emergency surgery.
  • i was just starting a new school year with my new and old kids, and then missing the 2nd week of school to only start over again.
  • i had my 1st grad class in nc in this math licensure program
  • we had recently decided to leave our church and begin to look for a new one
  • my daughter had recently started college
  • my youngest son started his junior year and begun his military adventure with the JROTC program
  • i began the school year with a new coworker and was very nervous and eager to make that work well for us both
  • i had begun a small business idea out of my home

one month later:

  • our friend died this past friday
  • matthew is healing well and already progressed out of the plaster cast, off the crutches, and out of the walking boot and is in a brace
  • i've started school and then started over and then had to totally revamp my schedule and start again- my kids and i are learning how to be flexible that's for sure! :)
  • i've turned in two big homework projects for my grad class and gotten A+'s on them both :
  • we're still looking for a church
  • the kids all seem to be doing well in school so far... barbara is loving college and is working now too! (THANK YOU GOD!) and managing her 18 hour course load and a part time job... matthew likes school, has caught up from his week out of class and just got his 1st military uniform... robert is in his last year of school and continues to do well managing a 30-35 hour a week job and school
  • work- well, it's going to be a long, not easy year, but i'm learning that i can't please everyone, that i shouldn't try, and that's it's okay if everyone doesn't like me, in fact... i was ready to quit last week, but God won't let me and i'm not a quitter so i'll tough it out and see what He has in store for me down the road...
  • the business journey will be a learning one for me too, as i learn how to get much, much better at what i'm doing and as i wait patiently for word to spread and figure out how to find cheap ways to advertise, etc


  1. is amazing how much can change in such a short amount of time. There is some good news in the midst off all the updates at least. I pray your business venture is successful (as well as grad school!! WOW!)

  2. Momma9:06 PM

    time passes too fast - but you sound like you have done well inspite of all the hassles of the last month. And your family sounds like they are doing well.

