Monday, September 28, 2009

Fall Is Here at last!!!!!!!!!!!!

Summer lasts forever here in NC!!!! But fall is finally getting here, and I am soooo ready!

The wind is blowing a nice, cool breeze. I am sitting here listening to the leaves blowing in the wind and can see a few falling down. The rain is falling. The air just feels so good!

Hello fall, I'm so glad to see you!!! I am definitely in love with the fall!


  1. Momma9:07 PM

    YES!!! Fall is beautiful! What an artist God is.

  2. yup! i'm looking forward to seeing the art of God in a few more weeks' time... it comes so late here... just like back home it seems some winters that spring will never come, well here it seems that summer will never end and fall will never come...

  3. I am in love with fall too! So excited. The colors here in Eastern WA are different, but still as beautiful as in Seattle :) It is also apple season!

  4. oh would i love to be in washington state for apple season! :) enjoy some for me...
