Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I just realized that I haven't journaled in a while. I have had plenty of thoughts, just not enough time and quite honestly I've been feeling pretty discouraged so I didn't want to post anything because it wouldn't be all upbeat and happy and positive. Who wants to read that?

I know it will get better. I will be fine. Life is good, it really is! I am so thankful for all the many, abundant blessings I have been given in my life. I have so many, many things to be appreciative of and please believe me when I say I am.

I just don't like me much at all, I don't like the person people see or who people think I am. People say things about the person I am, and I realize it's not who I think I am or not what I want people to think/see/feel about me. I try to change, but am not doing a good job. I want to be so much more than I am, a better person, a really Christ-like person. Work is very, very stressful, and I am trying not to let it be that way for my students. I'm tired of feeling like my best is not enough. I can't give any more than I already do.

I am really struggling right now is all I can say. I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. I'll be back when I'm a decent human being once again. :)


  1. I am so sorry! I have had my days recently too - and you are right when you say that you just don't feel like writing anything. I was telling Matt how there are times that I don't even like hanging out with myself. I need Jesus to come in and clean out some cobwebs and dust bunnies in my life...

    I hope you feel better soon though. Each day is a new day! Hugs...

  2. Thanks Ruhiyyih!!! Oh I'm so thankful for grace because I'm so in need of it.
