Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas 2009

Another Christmas, another day to be alive and thankful. This Christmas I was especially thankful for what Christmas is really about. I get so homesick at this time of year and miss my family, and miss my daddy and miss the memories of family Christmases past and gone. I had to really remind myself of what Christmas really is. Though family is super important, Christmas isn't about presents, about pretty trees and lights, about spending, about good food, or even about being together with family. Christmas is about God giving us the greatest gift there is.
Father, I am so thankful for that gift You gave to us. I didn't deserve Your present, but out of Your great love, You gave it to me anyway. Thank You for that. Help me to remember that this gift is mine everyday and not just one special day of the year. Christmas should last all year long because this gift doesn't just end when we take down the tree, the wreath, the stockings, the decorations. Christmas is with me all year long. Help me to live that way Father.
Merry Christmas Jesus!
Christmas morning, Matthew started the fire and was eagerly waiting for us to get ready. :)
We woke up to a slightly white, very wet Christmas day. I just couldn't believe the snow from last week had lasted even this long. I was happy to have even a little snow left on Christmas day; I'm sure this is the closest thing to a white Christmas we'll ever get in NC.
It rained a lot throughout the day. Our yard was flooded, and it has taken a whole week to dry out. There was a LOT of water out there. Poor Samson couldn't even find a dry place to go out for his restroom breaks.

Loving this fireplace- our first "real" fire and so pretty on a chilly Christmas morning
Loving our first Christmas in our first home- a special one that I will cherish in my memories always

We tricked Matthew (naughty Mom) and this was a surprise to him after all. We did the whole "Christmas Story" kind of thing to him. He was thrilled that we actually went ahead and bought him this air rifle with plastic bb's. :)

Robert had said he'd like an electric razor; looks like it was just in time too. :)

Rob has been needing new slippers for months, so now he has new ones.

Barbara and her new watch set with interchangeable faces/bands.

The kittens were thrilled with the wrapping paper we had accumulated. You can't see her in this photo, but Charlotte is under the paper in this photo, hiding from her sister, Emily, and her daddy, Cinnamon. In this photo, Emily is trying to figure out why the paper keeps moving, and Charlotte is hiding and reaching out at Emily and popping back under. It was too cute!!!
My family blessed me with tools and items I will use and need for my cardmaking projects, and Robert knows I am always eager to read anything on the genocides, wars, and social issues of Africa so he bought me this book about Rwanda.

Robert all dressed up and waiting for his ride to church.
One of the girls all curled up under the tree. They love it under there! A quiet end to a beautiful day.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting these! So good to see you all - even if it is in pictures. I love you!

    Your fireplace looks great!
