Friday, January 01, 2010

a new year wish

i've been thinking this morning- maybe deep things- i will leave that to my sister to measure. :) she is my swimming instructor for deep thoughts. ;)

this time of year brings all the usual well wishes for a happy new year and all those other wishes and good thoughts. people wish you a whole list of things: prosperity, blessings, health, etc... on facebook, i myself wished for others a year of blessings... but, this has started me thinking do i want all those things? if someone could really wish something for me and it come true, what would it be that i would really want? what should i wish on others? what is the most important thing?

i could wish for myself and others prosperity. sure i'd like to be prosperous. i looked that word up- it means (according to merriam-webster) marked by success or economic well-being. who wouldn't like to be prosperous? i hope to be successful in my roles as mom/wife/daughter/sister. i want to be a highly successful teacher that helps her children grow to their full potential, and i'd like to be recognized as such by my administrators and coworkers. i am starting my own business, and i want to be successful in that too bringing added income to my budget and helping provide for my family. i want our finances to be prosperous so i can do for my kids and meet all their needs. i want to get out of debt as much as i can, i want, i want, i want...

but then again, when times are hard and i have failures in my work, in my relationships, in my adventures, doesn't it also make me grow and learn? if i wish for only prosperity, then don't i remove great learning experiences too. i've become a much better person for having faced adversity and hardship. i wouldn't want to be a rebekah who hadn't lived through some of those things because i'd like to think it made me a better rebekah, one more able to help others.

do i want to wish for blessings? i have tons of those already- a God who forgives me and loves me unconditionally, a dear family that brings me much joy, a great marriage to a man who has stuck with me through bad & good, a roof over my head, good food to eat, i don't go around naked (the world thanks God for that!), a reliable, nice vehicle to get me to work, a job to provide for much of what we need as well as a few wants... the list could go on and on. i've been without food, without a job, without a decent vehicle, without electricity or water... i have been blessed abundantly. i'm careful in saying this because i don't want to tempt God, but truly do i need more blessings than i already have? if God didn't do anything more for me, shouldn't what He's already done for me be enough? not that God has to quit blessing me either, but maybe i should make sure i'm completely and totally grateful for what He has already given me before i wish for too much more.

wishes for health? that i could probably use, but again i need to take care of the health He gave to me. i won't even get into that one as i'm very guilty of that and need to fix it before it's gone.

wishes, wishes, wishes... i could wish for love, but i already have tons of that- His unending, unconditional love that can never be taken away from me, the love of my family, and the love of so many children i have known...

i think for 2010, i would like to wish for myself and for others, a year of His peace in the hard things, a year of His joy in the midst of sorrows, a year of His love in the midst of hate and hurt, a year of little blessings that we might not think about normally

i think this says it best. so for me, my loved ones and everyone, i wish you enough.


  1. wonderful post!! I love gratitude writing, it does wonders for the soul... :) God is good!
