Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve 2009

I'll post photos tomorrow. For tonight, I will say that though I am so homesick and it's not the same 1000 miles from "home," I am so VERY thankful to be spending my first Christmas in my own home. One year ago tonight, Rob snuck out of the rental home we lived in without my knowing it and put one of my Christmas bows on the door of this house (that we had signed a contract on and just begun the buying process on) and took me out on Christmas day to see a "surprise" he had for me. :) He reminded me of it tonight.

It was a nice, quiet day. Last night Rob and I stayed up until 2 AM lying in bed and talking. Then we woke up this morning and talked some more for a while. We are too old for that, but it was nice. :) Robert made a big pot of minestrone while Matthew, Rob, Barbara, and I put together a vegie tray, fruit tray, cheese, bread, and crackers. I filled my tummy with fresh vegies and fruit and cheese- YUM, and the soup was DELICIOUS!!! We ate early since Robert had to go to work this afternoon/evening. Matthew and I baked a cherry pie and an apple pie for tomorrow. I made double batches of chocolate chip and "snowball" cookies this evening and made up containers of cookies/candy for our neighbors which Rob will deliver tomorrow. I also finished up the 8 sets of cards I started last night, and Rob put one in the mail for me. I posted the rest to my etsy site and am trying my hand at ebay as well- posted three sets there to see what will happen.

I am having a lot of mixed emotions about things- missing my family "back home" but so very grateful and appreciative of the blessing of a home here that God gave us and very aware that it might not have happened had we not been willing to pack up and leave there to be here. So thankful for my own family- I am very, very blessed with a wonderful husband and a strong, wonderful marriage and three terrific young adult children. I am thankful God helped Rob and I stick it out through some rough parts to make it to this "good stuff." I am, as I usually am at this time of year, a little melancholy too though. I miss my daddy, miss the family I used to have and the memories of all that which was lost when he died, miss my cousins on my momma's side especially and all the family gatherings we used to have. I know life would have changed anyway even if he hadn't died, it's just a loss I feel more at Christmas for whatever reason. I saw something today on facebook that made me really miss "the way it was," but again, I am so blessed, so I will do my best to not dwell on the past. I am blessed, more than I ever deserved.

Christmas isn't about money, gifts, food, a pretty tree, or even really about a large family celebration, though being with your family to celebrate is wonderful and what I really wish for.
It is about Jesus. It is about His love- a love so great that He left heaven and came down here with all of us sinful, wicked, undeserving people. He did that because He loved us each one in a way I will never understand this side of heaven. Thank you God for coming to earth, for giving up Your heavenly treasures and the things You had there that I cannot even begin to fathom. Thank You for the multitude of sacrifices You made for me. Please help me to be mindful of them on this holiday, Your birth-day, but also all year long. Let me never forget what You did for me.

Thank You for coming Jesus. Happy Birth-day. Merry Christmas Jesus!

Merry Christmas Daddy, Momma, Pop, Jessica, Scott, Sandy! I love you all!!!! Very, very much!!!

1 comment:

  1. Momma7:08 PM

    Thanks for sharing your day here! I love you!
    And you are blessed with Rob and the kids!
