Friday, January 08, 2010

Barbara's 1st Marriage Proprosal

My daughter, Barbara, has volunteered her last week of winter break in my classroom. She has done an AMAZING amount of work for me and our class; I mean seriously more than has been done - copying, laminating, making games, organizing.... For this tired teacher of two grades with effectively no assistant and a kind of messed up situation.... well it's been so refreshing to have help and really good help who is good with kids and has the patience and joy to work with them (though she says she doesn't, she's been great!). On top of that it was just a wonderful experience to have a week together working together and having fun... She said she has "learned a lot" about teaching, about what I do and why I say & do some of the things I do... :)

This afternoon, one of my kinders asked my daughter (who is about to turn 19), "Miss Barbara, will you marry me when I grow up?" It was the sweetest, funniest, cutest thing I've heard in a looong time. :) She handled it really well. I had to work hard to not bust laughing, it just tickled me so much. Barbara told me later he had been trying to smack her on the behind all day (I had no clue!) and when we got ready to walk to the buses, he BEGGED her to walk out with him and he literally grabbed her hand and held it all the way to the buses.

Too cute!!!


  1. Momma9:00 PM

    So funny! Glad you had this time with Barbara Rose. She is a great daughter - but then she had a great example - her mother!

  2. Awww so sweet - and hitting her butt
