Wednesday, January 06, 2010

school night sleepover

i have had a lovely afternoon/evening today!!! i brought home one of my kids from last year who is now a big 2nd grader and his older brother. i was helping out their mom who had to sub in the afterschool program. she's a TERRIFIC mom!!!! and her kids are great so i was more than happy to help. when we were getting in the car to leave the boys said they wanted to stay the night, so a few minutes of conference with their mom and a few minutes of their family talking and voila- we were all on our way home. we stopped at wally and got pizza, mac 'n cheese, and vegies, and of course dessert and headed home.

WHEW! i had forgotten about having to sit and help kids with homework, but we are having a great night! a well balanced meal fixed and served, homework (they even got to type their spelling words on my computer!), a little playstation after homework, ice cream too. We're about to put in a movie and crash (well they are, i still have a bunch of schoolwork to do)...

this was a great, fun night! i have so enjoyed the sounds of little boy laughter in my house once again- it's been a long time!!! praying they will both be able to truly sleep and be comfy here tonight away from home. up early to eat breakfast and go pick up their mom and head to school...

thanks God for a fun evening with all these boys (my own and these other "adopted" kids) :) and thanks for some fun time and memory making with one of my "old" kids- it's so nice to have these friendships with all the little people- they mean more to me than all the world!!!!

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