Thursday, June 24, 2010

Weekend Alone

My kids left today for Myrtle Beach with Robert's church youth group (Robert's 2nd family). They are all our kids' youth leader, and I could go on & on about the three leaders and their love for our children. They were a God-send to us here in N.C. - truly the only church family we have here. I am so thankful for them!!!

Rob is still in school through part of next week and working this home stretch at the ballpark, plus he has a band gig this weekend, so I will be spending most of the next days alone. This will be the longest stretch of my life that I've ever been without family (except for Girl Scout camp that one year). I clung to Momma after Daddy died, and I got married at 17 and started our family at 19. The kids have never all three been gone for this long at the same time, and Rob & I have never gone on vacation or left them anywhere more than a night with my parents.

I am a family person, so I don't really like this much, but perhaps it will be good for me to "practice" being post-kids as that day is looming in the near future. So while I am practicing how to function without my children :), here are my plans:
  • relax a bit (watch a movie or two, read, sleep in a little if my body will let me)
  • do my homework for Monday's class- a MUST
  • make cards (This is one I made up with Rob's help to draw a template. It's kind of simple, but hopefully people will like it. It flips open on the side for more writing space.)

  • cook something that I want- now to figure out what that is :) (I did make myself a huge bowl of pico de gallo this afternoon and have been eating it tonight! YUM!)

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! What do you have planned?

BekaBoo :)


  1. Ah, "me time". :o) I haven't had that in what feels like *years*. ;o)

    The flip flop card is delightful! :o) I may have to steal that idea from you. ;o)

    Congrats on surviving the end of the year. It's always so touch in go for those last few weeks with EVERYTHING that *has* to be done. UGH. I can't say I missed that this year. :oP

  2. AWWWW WOW!!! It's so funny that you visited me today! If you only could have just read my mind about 15 minutes ago- well you'd laugh!!!

    This is my first day home from school- totally home and not there, but that's another story. :)

    Me time- not so good at it- never have really had it and am trying to learn what to do with it. Will report in on that later. Think I'm doing good so far.

    I am going to try to reach you through your blog to tell you why your comment means so much to me!!!!
