Friday, July 30, 2010

Fun Friday

Whew, I am done with another semester of grad school! :) :) :) I submitted my final exam Wednesday night and my course portfolio this morning. I am so relieved to be done with this class and to have a couple week's off of grad school before going back, especially with the start of school coming and a new grade to learn and prepare for.

This weekend I hope to work on school stuff and card making. Barbara and I went to Hobby Lobby today and I bought paper. LOVE their 50% off sales; I try to only buy my paper when it is on sale if I can. We also went to Wallyworld tonight and I spent money we truly don't have. I feel bad, but I'm "justifying" it to myself- this is the least I've ever spent on supplies! Maybe teaching 3rd grade will be easier on my checkbook. Seriously! I didn't have to stock up on glue sticks- a first in my teaching career!

I'm going to do these organizational binders I've seen online from lots of teachers. I'd been toying with the idea for a while now but with all that went on last year, it just didn't happen. So when I found out another third grade teacher at our school uses them and likes them, I was so excited! I'm going to do "B.E.E Books." The B.E.E stands for Bring Everything Everyday. I will have to post photos after Barbara and I get them all assembled. And that daughter of mine is so sweet!!! Here she is trying to save for college textbooks this semester and for a vehicle at some point, and she bought some of the stuff I needed for the binders as it was kind of expensive and I was going to have to leave some things out. I love that daughter of ours!!!!

So now we are playing on computers and watching one of our favorite movies- "Sense & Sensibility"- while the guys are all at their workplaces tonight. I sure do love "mommy time" as Barbara Rose calls it!!! I love my kids and the unique relationship I have with each one! I am blessed- so very, very blessed!

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