Thursday, August 05, 2010

thankful for TODAY

I don't usually take life for granted. My daddy died when I was 11- that was a hard way to learn that life is not a sure thing. I have seen my own children's lives be in question, been to enough funerals, and watched my momma struggle with the big C to know that life is fragile and precious and not to be taken lightly. But yesterday, I was once again reminded that we are not guaranteed tomorrow. Reminded that I should always be thankful for each day I am given.

Yesterday I watched the 12 year old son of a fellow teacher be buried. He was killed by gunfire Monday night as he hung out and played basketball with his friends right in front of his home. Last night I was sitting in my kitchen making some cards as a sort of self-prescribed "therapy," and I was just about to finish when I heard a gunshot from the road behind us. There was a shootout between two men right there on the other side of the field that separates our home from Groometown Road. With the school's field and playground between us and the scene of the shooting Rob & I were a bit concerned about our family's safety so we were up late trying to find out what was going on.

This happened around the time we normally go pick up kids from work and Robert had just gotten home from work right before this happened. We could have been there. Thank God Robert got off a bit early and Barbara worked a bit late tonight, or we might have. It is a busy road, I'm surprised no one else was hurt or caught in the crossfire. Thank God no one else was hurt!!!!

God, thank You for keeping us safe from the violence that happened just behind our home, that no one else was hurt on this busy road, that my kids were in safe places. I don't understand why Nesrine's son was killed or why a lot of bad things happen in this world. Why do kids have to die and people who commit such evil things on this earth get to live? Why do some families get torn apart and others get to go on with their happy lives? I am angry about it God. It's not fair God. It stinks God. But I know I need to trust in You no matter what happens.

Thank You for letting me question things, even question You without feeling Your wrath.

Thank You for understanding that my mind wants to understand and sometimes gets frustrated like a little kid because I want all the answers right now, and I don't always get to have my way.

Thank You for Your love and for being born to the parents I was born to.

Thank You for today. Let me make You proud of today.

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