Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Where can I go from Your spirit?

Today I sat in a place I would never have pictured myself. It was a difficult day, but I am honored to be able to be present to show my love and support for a fellow teacher and mom. I know there is nothing I can do to ease her pain or burden, but I know that I am obligated from love to be there to love her, pray for her, and walk beside her in anyway I can.

Today, my daughter & I went to a mosque to attend the funeral services for the twelve year old son of a teacher at our school. He was killed in a shooting incident in front of his home Monday night. His name was Ali, and he would have been in the eighth grade this year. My heart is broken for this family and especially for his mom.

As a Christ-follower, I wanted to not in any way offend the family and friends of my coworker. I have tried to love my colleague and show respect to her always. I have not hidden who I am as she has not from me. In fact, she & I have supported each other & prayed for each other for a couple years now. Today, I wanted to be a good representative of God. So Barbara and I put on long sleeves and covered our heads with scarves and baked in the heat along with many others to show our love to our friend.

And though I was in the house of Allah, the place of worship of another god, I felt the presence of the GOD, the maker of the universe. I felt the love of the ONE who died for every man. I was reminded of this verse, Psalm 139: 7-8- Where can I go from Your spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence? If I go up to the heavens, You are there. If I make my bed in the depths of Sheol (Hell), you are there.

God, please be with this family and this dear mom. Please, Father, comfort them like no one else can, lift their hearts from the blackness, hurt, and despair. Help them to find the strength to walk through the days, weeks, months, and years to come. Fill their hearts with love and a peace that none other can give.

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