Saturday, November 06, 2010


So thankful for God and for His unconditional love.
He doesn't give up on you, even when others do.
He doesn't keep a record of wrongs, even though He, of all beings, has every right to.
He doesn't burden you with guilt over wrongs or supposed-wrongs.
He doesn't turn His back on you, or betray you. In fact, He promised to never leave or forsake.

He loves me. There is no "he loves me not" bit- even though I am queen of feeling like He might not. I don't deserve His love, but He gives it to me anyway.

And tonight, I am so thankful for that and so in need of it. I wish He could just come down here to my house in G'boro, and give me a hug.

1 comment:

  1. Momma7:01 PM

    Well I'm not God, but I'll be there soon to give you a hug!
