Thursday, December 02, 2010

40 :)

Today I turned 40. It was a very nice day.

Last night, Rob started bugging me to get in bed saying, "The 39 year old doesn't have much time left to sleep; you really need to get her in bed!" And as I was getting into bed, I checked FB and my sister left me a funny math-themed message to wish me happy b'day.

Today started with my hubby teasing me and calling me "old" as I got ready for work. :)

Wore one of my new blouses that my Momma & Pop got me for my birthday while they were here last week. I felt so pretty! And all day I thought of my parents' love (all three of them).

When I got to work, I found the nicest surprise on my desk. Alma (one of our custodians) had left me a hand-made necklace and pair of earrings for me with a note that said, "Feliz Cumpleanos Mrs. Thomas." :) How sweet!!!!!!!!!!! And so pretty, can't wait to wear them!

Got TONS and TONS of love from kids at school who had figured out or heard that today was my special day. :) One of my team-teaching buddies had all her students write me letters, so throughout the day I received hand-made cards from a lot of kids not to mention the hugs that came with them. I took cookies to share with my reading class and my third grade class and my third grade team and my two team-teaching buddies. The kids loved that of course!

My third graders were so cute- one of them started the idea to give me a b'day hug and while hugging me, stick a post-it note on my back announcing it was my b'day. They were doing this because I had said I wouldn't tell any of the adults at school it was my birthday, that it wasn't a big deal. Guess they were worried about that because I had so many post-its on me at one point or another, though they kept falling off this blouse I was wearing- it wasn't Post-it friendly I guess. ;) But, I thought it was sweet of the kids anyway. I just played dumb and pretended I didn't know what they were doing, and that was even funnier/cuter to watch them! hahaha

After school, I went back to the DOT to get my new license as the old one expired today (long story, but I went yesterday and had to go back today). Got my license! :) Then home to my silly family. My kids asked off of work/got off of work so they could be home with me today. :) That meant more to me than they know! When I came home, I found on the door signs Rob had made that said "The old bat is 40!" :) :) :) He had them taped to the glass on the storm door. Too funny! Rob got me a book - the next one written by Greg Mortenson. Waaay excited to read that hopefully sooner than later.
We went out to Rio Grande, our favorite Mexican restaurant. Rob just happened to "mention" it was my birthday and as we were getting up to leave, the owners and waitress came over, planted a sombrero on my head and sang to me and brought me a yummy dessert with a candle! :) LOVE that place and those people! They are great!

We went and got our Christmas tree and a pretty greenery wreath for the door. It will have to wait until Saturday to get decorated, but right now my house spells so good. LOVE this time of year!!!!!!!

Got the bills paid; thank you Father for $ to pay the bills! I started using online bill-pay from our bank a couple months ago, and I love it! So much easier- wish I'd done it long ago!

I still have two assignments due on the weekend not started yet, a HUGE-MONGOUS pile of papers to grade & record in the grade book, lesson plans to be done, materials to be found and created for learning stations next week, and interim reports to write, but my sleepy 40 year old self is going to call it a night! Tomorrow I will have to pull off a miracle and do my lesson plans and grad school assignments by Saturday morning- yikes! :)

Love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this picture! You are blessed!
